Well, we went last night for the midnight showing of TRON Legacy, in 3-D IMAX, of course. What else can I say, other than it was everything I hoped it would be. My expectations were as high as they could be, and the movie met all those expectations with flying colors.
As a HUGE fan of the original movie, I realised there were things that were going to be different in this one, such as programs shattering when they de-rez instead of disappearing in a digital flash, but this is a newer system, or "grid", than the first movie. So it makes sense that some things, including physics and various other properties of the virtual Tron world would be different, for example.
Anyway, like I said, I had high hopes for TRON Legacy and I still was blown away by its awesomeness. Can't wait to see what happens in the next one! (hopefully they'll bring Laura back into the story)
- Robby